
Teaching Handwashing to Kids with Autism

Kids with autism face many challenges in life, from typical communication to social interactions to sensory processing as well. Since every child is unique, so, too, are the challenges that they may face if they have autism.As a result of…

Do Babies with Autism Smile?

When babies smile, it’s one of the cutest things that they do, and it elicits responses filled with “oohs” and “aahs” from parents and others who see it. But, did you know that smiling is also an important part of a child’s development?That’s…

Can Autistic People Have Kids?

Autistic people face many challenges that typically-developing people don’t face. They may have trouble with regular communication, with social skills and with basic life skills such as brushing their teeth or getting dressed.While these…

Can ABA Therapy Replace School?

Autism can be diagnosed in children as young as 18 months old. Children who receive such a diagnosis at that young of an age will typically start to receive treatment to help them overcome the challenges they face since they aren’t developing…
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Is Autism a Disability?

Every year, more knowledge is gained about autism. Thanks to advanced studies and research, all of this knowledge is put to good use through the increased diagnosis of autism and related disorders, as well as relevant and effective treatments…