Applying ABA Therapy to Real World Situations
Children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) typically struggle with communication and social interaction skills. They may also face sensory sensitivities, as well as have restrictive interests and/or display repetitive behaviors.Developing…
The Vocabulary Challenges for Children with Autism
There are many different ways in which autism can affect a child. This wide range of symptoms and effects, in fact, is why it’s today referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).That being said, autism is diagnosed by the presence of…
ABA Therapy Techniques — An Overview
Applied behavioral analysis is considered the gold standard of treatment for people who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Also known as ABA therapy, this science- and evidence-based approach to learning and behavior helps people…
Teaching Handwashing to Kids with Autism
Kids with autism face many challenges in life, from typical communication to social interactions to sensory processing as well. Since every child is unique, so, too, are the challenges that they may face if they have autism.As a result of…
Do Babies with Autism Smile?
When babies smile, it’s one of the cutest things that they do, and it elicits responses filled with “oohs” and “aahs” from parents and others who see it. But, did you know that smiling is also an important part of a child’s development?That’s…