Autism Awareness and Acceptance

Autism Acceptance

April is Autism Awareness month. It is set to April 2nd each year to encourage people to raise awareness about individulas diagnosed with autism. Throughout the month, we focus on sharing insights and the acceptance of people with autism.

Ways to Increase Autism Awareness

  1. First and foremost, understanding that children diagnosed with ASD has become more and more common. 1 in 54 children are on the autism spectrum.
  2. Increasing awareness to what are signs and symptoms of autism
  3. Learn about the resources that are available, and support groups one can join.
  4. Share each other’s experiences, so people become more open to discuss their child’s behaviors and concerns. This allows parents to not feel alone and be a part of society.

Acceptance of Autism

  • Acceptance is crucial to enable individuals with ASD to feel that they can interact with others.
  • Realizing when one might have autism and how to deal with the individual in a different manner.
  • Look through them to understand their struggles and how to interact with them.
  • Show your love, be an advocate, and speak up.


In my humble opinion, I think that ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder, can have other meanings as well.

A – Angels     S – Seeking     D – Direction

Angels seeking direction


  • Help and show them the way; be a role model.

A – Allow     S – Some     D – Differentiation

Embrace Differences

  • Understand each child is unique and has very different abilities and strengths.


Please join the Autism Society group which has a variety of resources designed to inform and encourage communities to celebrate differences and become more inclusive of individuals with autism.

You can also participate in this month’s Autism Awareness by checking out Autism Speaks’ website. You can pledge to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

Please feel free to contact us for any additional information.