The Use of Memory Games in ABA Treatment
Memory plays a vital role in brain functioning. In order to complete certain tasks or do some things, the brain has to be able to recall pieces of information quickly and accurately that it has stored from other experiences in the past.
For many of us, this happens without us really thinking about it. For instance, our brain can see a red traffic light and know that we must stop, whether we’re driving on the road or walking on the street.
For people who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), though, the brain doesn’t always function in the way that it does for neurotypical individuals. While some people on the autism spectrum have great memory, others struggle with recalling certain things.
Not only that, but people with autism may have different recall abilities than others. They may be able to remember information, statistics and facts, but may have trouble applying what they recall to other situations.
This is one reason why a big part of applied behavioral analysis, or ABA therapy, addresses memory and recall ability. And a major way that is done is by playing memory games.
Learn more about the memory skills of people with autism
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Can a Person’s Memory Be Improved?
While the brain is an organ and not a muscle, it can gain strength in similar ways that a muscle can. Just like exercise and weight lifting can improve muscle strength and flexibility, the brain can be put through “workouts” that can improve its function.
In fact, this is a main part of ABA therapy, which is considered the gold standard of treatment plans for people on the autism spectrum. There are many different strategies that can be undertaken to improve cognitive function.
One example in ABA therapy is using visual aids such as pictures or symbols. Since people on the autism spectrum are generally considered visual learners, this helps them process and understand information better and then also recall that information later.
One of the keys to this strategy working is using repetition, which is a main principle of ABA therapy. Concepts are taught not just once but are emphasized over and over again, as it can take time for them to “sink in.”
Why are Memory Games Used in ABA Therapy?
Memory games are a very common tool that ABA therapists use during sessions to help their patients improve their working memory. There are many reasons for this.
One of the main reasons is that ABA therapy is often administered to children with autism. And since children love playing games, they are a great way to integrate fun into the environment while also teaching valuable skills.
Games in general are always a great way to teach young children new skills, and it’s no exception when working with children who have ASD. They can help children build up their memory and recall skills, which will then translate over into many different scenarios in their lives.
Memory games are also great because they are readily available and quite simple to teach and play.
A set number of cards are put face-down on the table, with either words, pictures or both printed on them. In the set of cards, there will be matching pairs of each word and/or picture that’s displayed on them.
The goal is for the child to flip over two of the cards until they’re able to find a match. So, if they flip one card that reveals a rainbow, they must then flip another card to find the other rainbow.
If they don’t make a match, they need to turn one card back over and flip another card. As they play the game, their brain will start to remember which cards had which pictures and/or words on them, which will then make it easier for them to make a match.
Another game that can help with autism is the extremely popular numbers game Sudoku.
Blue Gems ABA Approaches Building Skills in a Fun Way
Children with autism may have excellent memories, but they may also struggle with remembering and recalling things and/or applying what they recall to other situations. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies that can be followed to help train the brain and improve their memory.
At Blue Gems ABA, our experienced BCBAs are trained to administer ABA therapy on a one-to-one basis for children on the autism spectrum. They take many fun approaches to doing so, integrating memory games and other activities to make the therapy sessions enjoyable for the children.
At the same time, they are learning a lot and building up the communication, social and daily life skills with which they may struggle.
To learn more, please contact us today.