Explaining Autism

Explaining autism to others

Many children have autism spectrum disorder. Knowing how to explain autism to others can be very helpful as they will understand the differences and how to interact with your child. Although some may have experience with what autism looks like,…
Children on the spectrum in a classroom

How to prepare children on the spectrum for the school year

Children on the Spectrum often have trouble adjusting to changes in their routines. As the beginning of the school year approaches, one should try their best to prepare your child enabling a smooth transition. Having your child comfortable…
ABA Therapist

The Benefits and Challenges of Working as an ABA Therapist

Over the last few years, unemployment rates skyrocketed. Thousands and thousands of people have been losing their job due to the work force being so unstable. If you are looking into a stable career, something you can easily become familiar…
Autism Acceptance

Autism Awareness and Acceptance

April is Autism Awareness month. It is set to April 2nd each year to encourage people to raise awareness about individulas diagnosed with autism. Throughout the month, we focus on sharing insights and the acceptance of people with autism. Ways…
Toilet Training

Toilet Training Guide for Your Child with Autism

Training your child to use the toilet can be extremely hard especially for a child with autism. It takes an enormous amount of patience and time. However, it’s an important part of helping them learn about the body and develop skills necessary…